HiR:tb Toots (@warwalker)

Remember what SNAFU means?

Bear with us here at HIRTB for a couple of days. There is a situation that has developed with the HTML code in the wordpress theme that used to control the manner in which this site is presented. This “situation” developed when I got a little bored at half time of the Pats-Bolts game and began trying to “improve” the site.

The HIRTB tech department is on it, but let’s face it, the HIRTB tech department essentially consists almost entirely of half-wits, bumblers, fuck-ups and losers, so the time line on that fix may be a little flexible.

To resolve the difficulty temporarily, I have installed a completely new theme. Feel free to rant and/or rave about it in the comments section. As always, both pointing and laughing are allowed, just not at the same time.

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