HiR:tb Toots (@warwalker)

Too Bad The Sausages Don’t Just Grow on Trees

Not far from the borders of Juniorvania, the little village of St. George will be hosting its “Apple Fest” this weekend.  Locally, everyone is about as amped up about this as country folk get about anything.  The enthusiasm is charming, dare I say “quaint” (without meaning to be condescending in any way) to these eyes used to city-scale hype about city-type events.

It would seem that not all of the local zeal, however, produces sound policy-making.  There is a certain purveyor of meats not far from here that is advertising (on a sign in front of the store) “Apple Sausage $1”.  Now I’m not here to besmirch the good name of sausage generally, and I have nothing in particular against your common apple and it’s reputed physician-repelling properties (when applied in a quotidian manner);  neither can I argue with the price posted, which seems quite reasonable.  I have to wonder though, in all good conscience, whether it is appropriate to combine these two special goodnesses in the manner advertised.

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