HiR:tb Toots (@warwalker)

Seasons’ Bleatings


Hey, at least they're not vampires.

I am pretty sure the…uh….Maple Leafs Wizard (?) on the right is asking somebody – anybody – to pull his finger.  If I were that…uh…Maple Leafs Penguin Snowman (?), I would take a few steps to the left, lickety split.

I have no idea what the hell the significance of the above snowglobe scene is.  What better way to return from an extended absence?

You may have noticed things have been a little slow around here over the last month and a bit.  Furious G has arrived, safe and sound – 7 lbs, 1 oz., on November 10th.  Since then, things have been a bit of a whirlwind within the Juniorvanian borders.  Mom and Dad are learning, slowly, how to live up to their newfound honorifics.  Squeals and screams have been deciphered, cuddles have been had, sleep has been both had and interrupted, and many MANY diapers have been changed.  The incidence of the word “swaddle” in our everyday speech has skyrocketed.  Through it all, we’re falling into a routine of sorts, though the new reality seems to include occasionally feeding the cat at four o’clock in the morning.

Furious G and Daddy have spent a few nights already watching the Leafs together.  Especially in November, there were a lot of tears from both of us.  More recently, things have been a little bit better.

I look forward to spending a little bit of time at the keyboard somewhat more regularly in the not too distant future.  Until then, in case I don’t manage to achieve my objectives on a near-time horizon:  Seasons’ Greetings and all the best to you and yours!

1 comment to Seasons’ Bleatings

  • Everything changed — generally for the better — after 10 Nov, huh? I keep reminding myself that once you get them on semi-solid food (cereal may be introduced at 4 months or so) the sleep is much, much longer; the first year of figgy’s life I got to watch her on Saturdays, which seemed to consist of a little play in the mornings, then a long nap after lunch during which I got to keep up on my college football.

    One recommendation, especially if you weren’t as expert at swaddling as we were/are: Kiddopotamus (sp?) SwaddleMe is an excellent baby straitjacket. By about six weeks or so figgy was easily overpowering our feeble attempts at swaddling, and the SwaddleMe worked magic. Once swaddling isn’t needed, sleep sacks/baby bags rather than loose blankets in the crib helps put your mind at ease too.

    I think the lack of sleep breeds a kind of amnesia; otherwise, folks wouldn’t sign up for more than one. I know I need more when, in the course of reading bedtime stories, I feel my eyes close and hear my voice making up words that aren’t printed and make little sense to the story; more than once theVet has accused me of sleep-talking and I suspect that it tries to fill in the gaps, but unsuccessfully.