It would appear that the long and arduous search for a homeland for our people has come to a conclusion; a tentatively successful conclusion, subject to some conditions that will be satisfied over the next week or so, and one contingency over which we can exert no influence, but a conclusion nonetheless. For the moment, however, it would appear that the Great Migration is about to commence. Spouse and I are, you know,
completely terrified excited about that.
Also, we apparently got a nifty riding mower thrown into the bargain, so I’m pretty stoked. I may decide to refer to it as a “tractor”, y’know, just ’cause it’s more evocative of a noble peasantry, the kind of thing celebrated in Stalinist artwork; that’s me, cutting the lawn.
[…] News Alert: Juniorvania Found Posted in January 22nd, 2008 by junior in Juniorvania Remember that thing I posted about having found the property that satisfied the Known Requirements and Specifications for the […]