HiR:tb Toots (@warwalker)

Gone Fishin’

This is spouse writing for Junior who has gone fishing.  Junior will be back on Saturday.

Happy Canada Day!

5 comments to Gone Fishin’

  • Happy Canada Day! As I’ve probably prattled on about before, we used to spend a fair amount of time shuttling to Vancouver for some sweet, illicit Chinese groceries (and Banff/Jasper because, well, it’s Banff) — my dad having emigrated first to Canada from Taiwan to pursue some degrees, we’ve always had fond memories of that polite country to the north …

  • Doug

    Prologue: I work in the movie industry and I call Junior from time to time to ask questions about the legal world in an attempt to make our movies and television shows a little more realistic. If he has answers for me, he helps out. Then, I got the following text communication from Junior today.
    Junior: If you ever have questions for work re: what a bear looks like, I can now answer those.
    Me: I’m hoping that you are unable to describe tooth or claw size.
    Junior: Not from personal experience but I can show you a birch tree that was not so luck.

  • Doug

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ should read “lucky”.
    No he didn’t end his communication before finishing the message… he’s okay MOM!

  • mom

    Did I ever tell Junior not to take a tramp in the woods. Especially during Bare season!—-(or is that Bear). I thought Junior was looking for small game such as fish!! As the song goes “come home, come home”, and leave the woods to the critters.

  • @ Spouse: Thanks for stepping in and pinch-posting to let folks know where I was – I couldn’t quite get all the fishing paraphernalia early enough to allow time for a “Gone Fishin'” post before departure.

    @Mike: Thanks for the Canada Day Greetings – and a belatedly happy Independence Day to you. The fishing lodge I stayed at last week (like most Northern Ontario fishing lodges) does a fair amount of business with American visitors, and they had a gunpowder-based tribute to both our lands’ National holidays on Thursday night. I will have photos to post, assuming some of them turned out okay. In the meantime, concerning your previous visits to the Vancouver area, I don’t suppose you would know anything about severed limb flotsam and jetsam would you?.

    @Doug: I should also add that I am now in a position to resolve, conclusively, the debate concerning the age-old debate on the subject of the whereabouts of a bear’s “activities”; specifically, whether the said business is conducted within or without a wooded area. In at least one particular case, I can definitively tell you that the answer is “at the edge of the clearing in which my cabin was located.” To which I could only respond, “Dude. I totally didn’t do that near where YOU live.”

    @Mom: “…take a tramp in the woods”? That is quite possibly the rudest thing that has yet appeared on this site. Well done!