HiR:tb Toots (@warwalker)
By junior on April 21, 2008, at 9:17 am With the Anaheim Mighty Ducks eliminated from playoff contention last night, cue the Toronto media hype about Brian Burke, incoming General Manager of the Toronto Maple Leafs and Part Time Saviour of All Mankind. Details remain unclear concerning His Holiness’ expected time of arrival here in the GTA; it is also unknown whether he will […]
By junior on April 19, 2008, at 12:45 pm A couple of days ago, I congratulated myself for sticking with this blog project fairly consistently. I then promptly disappeared for a couple of days. So it goes.
A few things:
As I type this post, I am seated out back of the family estate here in Juniorvania on a Muskoka chair that needs a […]
By junior on April 15, 2008, at 9:38 pm Another great post from Theory of Ice. Describing Sunday’s Habs/Bruins game, e says that she has been told that Sunday’s game is what playoff hockey is all about. In particular, she says the game was:
…[f]ast but claustrophobic, conservative but chaotic, tidy at the core and sloppy around the edges. Imagine a ballroom dance competition […]
By junior on April 13, 2008, at 2:43 pm By now – not now, as in “when you’re reading this” but now, as in “while I’m mashing the keys with my sausage fingers”, the nervous anticipation is starting to settle in among Caps fans. I remember it well from 1993 in particular, this anxious thrill that comes over a fan when “his” (or “her” […]
By junior on April 11, 2008, at 10:55 pm Okay, maybe I’ve just been living under my rock for too long, but I hadn’t seen this thing before, until Doug posted it in the comments section of my post about the need to ensure that Cliff Fletcher eats lunch – and lots of it. I cannot stop laughing. The Leafs could use a little […]
By junior on April 11, 2008, at 7:19 pm Blatantly swiped graphic from Japers’ Rink, posted there as a welcome for those of us clambering aboard the bandwagon and shouting “Just say OVIE!”
Thanks to the folks there, and the folks at On Frozen Blog for throwing out the welcome mat for us in a big way.
I got home right at 7:00 […]
By junior on April 10, 2008, at 11:18 am Required reading for adoptive team-parents wishing to learn all about our new little darlings and their evil rivals in time for Friday night:
On Frozen Blog’s series analysis at faceoff-factor.com.
Most of the “experts” I’ve heard making predictions don’t give the Caps much of a chance in this one, either because they believe the Caps […]
By junior on April 9, 2008, at 7:33 pm After a very carefully run election (no doubt involving United Nations observers), the Leaf fans at Pension Plan Puppets have at my suggestion adopted the Washington Capitals, champions of the NHL’s NASCAR division as their foster team for this year’s NHL playoffs.
The first (and hopefully last) adoption of one poor underserved hockey team is […]
By junior on April 7, 2008, at 6:56 pm Cliff Fletcher apparently met with the media today to give a horrible season by a bad team the uncomfortable (but not overly time-consuming) eulogy it needed. Wisely preferring not to point fingers at under-achieving players (which might lead to some uncomfortable moments among the pallbearers while interring the corpse), Fletcher further stipulated that the future […]
By junior on April 5, 2008, at 10:51 pm Two thoughts on the end of another NHL season: one, I have officially adopted the Washington Capitals as my team for the 2008 Stanley Cup playoffs; and two, why isn’t more being written about possibly the end of Trevor Linden‘s career in the National Hockey League?
With my beloved Leafs now banished to the virtual […]
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