HiR:tb Toots (@warwalker)
By junior on May 19, 2009, at 10:28 pm Go Spits Go!! I still believe…!!
This tournament owes us one, dammit. I still believe.
After dropping round robin games to Drummondville and Rimouski to kick off the tournament, the Spitfires faced off tonight against a Kelowna Rockets team that had already clinched a berth in the Tournament Final on Sunday. Whereas the Spits […]
By junior on May 16, 2009, at 6:11 pm NB: I really started live-blogging a few minutes into the 2nd period; the bits about the first period were notes I was keeping to do a recap,.
Go Spits Go!!
Pre-game ceremonies underway: if the PA announcer doesn’t pick up the pace, Windsor’s Memorial Cup participation drought could easily stretch from 21 to […]
By junior on May 8, 2009, at 10:08 pm Windsor Spitfires – 2009 OHL Champions. Note Mickey Renaud's jersey front and centre; nice touch, boys.
The picture comes from ontariohockeyleague.com.
By junior on May 6, 2009, at 7:45 am
By junior on May 5, 2009, at 7:30 am This is how I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that print journalism must be anachronistic, irrelevant and doomed: I have been asked to write a piece on the Leafs for publication in an actual hold-it-in-your-hand, you-could-drop-that-thing-and-bruise-a-toe book. And get this: I am told that I will be getting paid to do this thing. […]
By junior on May 4, 2009, at 11:00 am Prior to Game One of The Crosbys vs. The Ovechkins, I posted a photo I took of Alex Ovechkin in February during our visit to the Sunshine State (otherwise known as the Week We Retired).
Keeping in mind the worldwide influence of this blog, it would seem apparent to me that the appearance of the […]
By junior on May 1, 2009, at 9:52 pm As it turned out, I wasn’t able to make it to tonight’s Spitfire/Batallion match, the second of the OHL best-of-seven final. I had looked into buying tickets earlier in the week, but work concerns had me wondering whether I’d be able to get out early enough to make it down the 403 in time for […]
By junior on April 30, 2009, at 7:10 am A quick mention, before I head off to work, that the Windsor Spitfires destroyed the Brampton Batallion 10-1 in the first game of their OHL Championship series last night. The crowd at the new WFCU Centre must have been thrilled. I am hoping to go to game 2 of the series Friday night in Brampton […]
By junior on March 13, 2009, at 12:06 pm Spits' New Logo
With the OHL playoffs approaching (and the Leafs out of contention for this year’s post-season tournament), I am excited about the prospects for my former favourite team in the whole goddam world, the Windsor Spitfires. I have to confess that it has been a long time since I attended a Spits […]
By junior on November 26, 2008, at 6:07 pm As much as I hate the suits at MLSE with the white hot burning heat of a thousand suns, I can’t quarrel too much with their deliberate pace on this hiring decision to date. It’s a tough decision, and one that will have far-reaching consequences for the future of the organization. The reason that I […]
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