HiR:tb Toots (@warwalker)

Hulk 2 Movie Trailer Now Online

Parts of Hulk 2 (due for release in June of 2008, starring Ed Norton and Liv Tyler) were filmed here in Hamilton last fall. The Hulk 2 Movie Trailer is now available online (go clicky on the link). Many of the scenes featuring destruction in the streets that are shown in this trailer were filmed […]

How my wife and I married the Lady in the Water

Last night, Spouse and I unexpectedly ended up in a brief hiatus from our ongoing search for a new homeland that will satisfy the Known Requirements and Specifications for the Kingdom of Juniorvania.

This unexpected little time windfall prompted a spirited discussion concerning its proper and appropriate use, the history of which I shall detail […]

Scary Movie Indeed.

I was idly flipping through the channels tonight, awaiting the commencement of the Leafs vs. Kings game (late night start time for those of us here in Central Canada) when I noticed something unusual about the *ahem* adult programming listed by our cable service. Certain of the programs, being described as “movies” are assigned a […]

And we’ll be disco dancing all night long.

In the last few days, Spouse and I have watched both the final episode of The Sopranos and the Simpsons Movie. Tomorrow night, we are planning to solve Rubik’s Cube, listen to the latest Beatles album and find out who shot J.R.

Seriously, it is sometimes difficult to comprehend how I can be so woefully […]

Hulk 2 too.

In between periods of the Leaf game last night (yay Leafs fans for not booing McCabe -at all – and yay Leafs for showing up when it was gut check time), I banged together a rough edit of some video from last week’s Hulk 2 film shoot in downtown Hamilton. The big buzz on the […]

Hulk in Hamilton – Bus Goes Boom

Hulk in Hamilton

Here is some video of the previously described burning bus, explosion and fleeing extras.

Things that go “BANG” in the night.

Hulk 2 is being filmed in downtown Hamilton right now. Spouse and I went down to take in some of the movie magic and I brought along the video camera, hoping to capture some explosions and other cinematic truths. I was not disappointed. I suspect that this film will not focus overly much on character […]

No, it isn’t. It’s just loud.

There is a very interesting article in The Economist about the effect of digital technology on the motion picture industry, at the distribution/exhibition end, rather than the more commonly discussed production end. It is well worth a read, but I suspect you will agree that the author has obviously tried too hard in his opening […]