HiR:tb Toots (@warwalker)

In Memoriam.

We received some bad news yesterday morning: a very dear friend of ours, Rick Smith of Chelmsford, Ontario passed away suddenly. We expect to be out of town for a couple of days so that we can attend the funeral on Tuesday afternoon.

Cherish the time you have with loved ones; never pass up an […]

Everything is political, man.

I got an email from Ticketmaster the other day, one of the thirty or forty thousand they send me every year asking me to attend everything from the Backyardigans (um, dude, I don’t have any kids, which would make it Michael Jackson creepy for me to be hanging around that show) to various military tattoos […]

Optimism defined.

Walking to work today, Spouse and I passed a very large man who was animatedly talking to his own upraised right hand. I turned to Spouse and asked whether she had seen it. She had. I asked whether she thought it strange.

“Yes,” she said, “but he didn’t seem upset or angry. Just chatty.”

True […]

The silence was deafening.

HIR:tb is back, after a brief but spirited match with an ambitious and highly mischievious bunch of technical gremlins. For the past couple of days, anyone attempting to access the site either got an error message (early in the Crisis); a blank browser page with a cryptic message in the title (late yesterday, my way […]

Breaking News Alert: Juniorvania Found

Remember that thing I posted about having found the property that satisfied the Known Requirements and Specifications for the Kingdom of Juniorvania? And remember how there were certain conditions and contingencies, some of which lay beyond our control, that would determine whether the Kingdom would be claimed?

In a word: “Done”.

The Kingdom is […]


I just got a call from a friend who’s telling me that TSN is reporting that John Ferguson Junior has been fired by the Leafs and that Cliff Fletcher is rumoured to be on the way back in an interim capacity.

Film at 11. Hack journos, please commence preparing your “Cliff Fletcher needs to be […]

Remember what SNAFU means?

Bear with us here at HIRTB for a couple of days. There is a situation that has developed with the HTML code in the wordpress theme that used to control the manner in which this site is presented. This “situation” developed when I got a little bored at half time of the Pats-Bolts game and […]

Minnesota and the Great Leap Forward

Did you know that the Minnesota Wild of the NHL do not now, nor have they ever had a permanent team captain? Instead, players for the Wild serve as Captain of the team for terms of a month or two in length, following which the responsibility is shifted to a team-mate.

Now, I like to […]

Super Sunday 2008 v. 1.0

Tomorrow’s two Conference Championship games promise to entertain and amuse. I am looking forward to the Chargers/Patriots AFC Championship, like every other football fan glued to the seemingly inexorable march of the Patriots towards another Super Bowl Championship. I know San Diego Mike and I will probably be on different sides of this issue, but […]

This just in…

It would appear that the long and arduous search for a homeland for our people has come to a conclusion; a tentatively successful conclusion, subject to some conditions that will be satisfied over the next week or so, and one contingency over which we can exert no influence, but a conclusion nonetheless. For the moment, […]