HiR:tb Toots (@warwalker)

And the product gives you a hangover, too.

Can’t stop laughing at a line from Cox Bloc. In a post about a William Houston article suggesting that Hockey Night in Canada ditch the Leafs and televise the Senators instead, Godd Till writes:

Switching out the Leafs also might not go over well with Hockey Night advertisers. The chance to connect with a fanatically […]

How my wife and I married the Lady in the Water

Last night, Spouse and I unexpectedly ended up in a brief hiatus from our ongoing search for a new homeland that will satisfy the Known Requirements and Specifications for the Kingdom of Juniorvania.

This unexpected little time windfall prompted a spirited discussion concerning its proper and appropriate use, the history of which I shall detail […]

Stylin’ and profilin’, new school.

A friend of ours gave birth this morning to a healthy baby boy. Naturally, part of this evening was decreed by Spouse to include a go-to-the-mall, go-directly-to-the-mall, do-not-pass-go, definitely-do-not-collect $200 trip. The purpose of the excursion was to collect miniature versions of real people’s clothes to give to the child as a gift. It didn’t […]

Limbo, limbo, how low can you go?

Mike and I had a little discussion a few days ago, in the comments section of his site, about inter alia (which is Latin for “between beers”) the myriad of ills facing the NHL as it attempts to make some sort of an impact on the average American consumer.

At some point, Mike referred to […]

Silence is deep as eternity, speech is shallow as time.

I checked tsn.ca for the final score of the Leaf game this morning when I got to work. I just needed to know how badly the Leafs had lost. When I tuned in to the game last night, it was late in the first period, 2-0 for the Kings. No sooner had I set the […]

Scary Movie Indeed.

I was idly flipping through the channels tonight, awaiting the commencement of the Leafs vs. Kings game (late night start time for those of us here in Central Canada) when I noticed something unusual about the *ahem* adult programming listed by our cable service. Certain of the programs, being described as “movies” are assigned a […]

And we’ll be disco dancing all night long.

In the last few days, Spouse and I have watched both the final episode of The Sopranos and the Simpsons Movie. Tomorrow night, we are planning to solve Rubik’s Cube, listen to the latest Beatles album and find out who shot J.R.

Seriously, it is sometimes difficult to comprehend how I can be so woefully […]

Or at least until I want to watch another episode of Lost.

I saw a little blurb on television tonight about how the ongoing Writers Guild of America strike has taken a terrible toll on awards shows. Apparently, without writers to put together the brainless chatter that award presenters emit at a constant (and significant) rate, it is impossible to have an awards show, at least in […]

Because I have so much free time.

I must be the King of Beginning Projects. I have decided to pick up a new hobby over the last few weeks. I was trying to take a picture of our Christmas tree (for posterity – no doubt the Smithsonian will be calling within a week or two) three or four days before Christmas, which […]

Perfect Storm of Sports

I haven’t been able to even come near the computer to think about posting for the last couple of weeks. With Christmas, travel, visiting various relatives, the schedule would have been tight. Perhaps not impossible, but tight. Add on top of all that the veritable cornucopia of televised sports available over the last few days, […]